
Photo: NRK/Holberg Foundation

Videos of talks & interviews

February 12, 2020: Hringbraut

December 3, 2019: "Að treysta sérfræðingum: Hvar, hvenær og hvers vegna?"

November 9, 2019: The Nils Klim Conversation

June 5, 2019: Holberg and Nils Klim Prize Award Ceremony

June 4, 2019: The Holberg Evening

June 3, 2019: "Why Trust a Scientist?"

January 27, 2017: "When Expert Disagreement Supports the Consensus"

Other media appearances

May 10, 2023,  RÚV, Rás 1 (Uppástand)

April 24, 2021, RÚV, Rás 1 (Orðin sem við skiljum ekki)

February 24, 2021, Fréttablaðið

February 15, 2021, RÚV, Rás 1 (Morgunútvarpið)

February 9, 2021, Fréttablaðið

January 13, 2021, RÚV, Rás 1 (Lestin)

December 27, 2020, RÚV, Rás 1 (Svona er þetta)

June 17, 2020, RÚV, Rás 1 (Þjóðhátíðardagskrá)

June 2, 2020, RÚV, Rás 1 (Mannlegi þátturinn)

April 28, 2020: RÚV, Rás 1 (Lestin)

February 7, 2020: RÚV, Rás 1 (Spegillinn)

February 6, 2020: RÚV, Rás 1 (Samfélagið)

December 31, 2019: Kjarninn (website)

November 29, 2019: RÚV, Rás 1 (Samfélagið)

November 12, 2019: RÚV, Rás 1 (Morgunvaktin)

June, 2019: Byltíngur (magazine)

March 27, 2019: Hugvarp (podcast)

March 20, 2019: RÚV, Rás 1

September, 2018: Forskerforum

July 7, 2018:

March 6, 2017: RÚV, Rás 1 (National Broadcasting Service, Channel 1)

Interview about talk on epistemic autonomy and thinking things through for oneself. Listen here.

February 29, 2016: RÚV, Rás 1 (National Broadcasting Service, Channel 1) 

July 30, 2015: RÚV, Rás 1 (National Broadcasting Service, Channel 1)

April 5, 2015: RÚV, Rás 2 (National Broadcasting Service, Channel 1)