
Below is a list of my current and past teaching in philosophy. Unless otherwise noted, I am/was the main instructor for the course in question and responsible for course design and lecturing.

University of Iceland

Seminar: Scientific Progress (Fall 2021)

Introduction to Epistemology (Fall 2021)

Introduction to Metaphysics (Spring 2020)

Introduction to Logic (Spring 2020)

Introduction to Metaphysics (Spring 2019)

Introduction to Logic (Spring 2019)

Introduction to Epistemology (Fall 2018)

Ethics of Science and Research (Spring 2016)

Introduction to Epistemology (Fall 2015)

Ethics of Science and Research (Spring 2015)

Inland Norway University of Applies Sciences

Philosophy of science for MA students in sport science (Fall 2021)

Ph.D. course in philosophy of science (Spring 2021)

Philosophy of science for MA students in sport science (Fall 2020)

Ph.D. course in philosophy of science (Spring 2020)

Philosophy of science for MA students in sport science (Fall 2019)

Ph.D. course in philosophy of science (Spring 2019)

Philosophy of science for MA students in sport science (Fall 2018)

Ph.D. course in philosophy of science (Spring 2018)

Examen facultatum for psychology students (Spring 2018)

Philosophy of science for MA students in sport science (Fall 2017)

Examen philosophicum for law students (Fall 2017)

Bifröst University

Creative and Critical Thinking, an introductory philosophy course (Spring 2015)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)

Introduction to Philosophy: Great Works (Fall 2012)

Philosophy of Science (Spring 2013)

Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík

Philosophy (fall 2007, Spring 2008).

Teaching Assistance (TA) at UNC Chapel Hill

Introduction to Ethics (Fall 2010), Professor Geoffrey Sayre-McCord.

Introduction to Philosophy: Main Problems (Spring 2011), Professor Matthew Kotzen.

Teaching Assistance (TA) at the University of Iceland

Introduction to Epistemology and Critical Thinking (Spring 2007), Professor Erlendur Jónsson.

Philosophy of Science and Critical Thinking (Fall 2007), Professor Eyja Margrét Brynjarsdóttir.